Oh, my!

Yup, that was the collective reaction when, completely unexpected and literally out of the blue, a mighty Mola-Mola showed up at a cleaning station in south Komodo!! We just couldn’t believe our eyes when this shy ceature moved in to get cleaned by the hundreds of Butterflyfish normally catering for the Mantas.

Blessed with beautifully clear water throughout the trip, we enjoyed diving with massive schools of fish, lots of Sharks, several Eagle Rays and found enough rare critters to have the photographers constantly running out of memory cards!   Oh, and then there was the issue with naughty sponges at one divesite.

Descending on a seamount, it looked like it was on fire (!) with smoke everywhere! Turned out to be the big pink barrel sponges having a synchronized spawning session, all at the same time. Amazing, and quite a rare sighting! We almost missed the pack of 10 young Grey Reef Sharks chasing the Eagle Rays away!

[Posted as Tourleader and Video-Pro on the Mermaid 1.]